Aug 6, 2020
Rogers Vigne is an impassioned and certified career coach with nearly two decades (20 years) of professional experience.
Over this time, I've developed a high understanding and empathy for the major issues that many professionals face.
The ability to resolve such issues always lead to: HIGHER LEVELS OF CONFIDENCE, COMPETENCY, JOB SATISFACTION AND COMPENSATION for the individual professional as well as HIGHER TEAM PERFORMANCE, HIGHER QUALITY WORK, and a HIGHER RETURN ON INVESTMENT for the company.
My Digital Self, LLC
(MDS) provides career development, digital optimization and
specialized coaching services to individuals, organized
groups, business organizations.
MDS specializes in assisting
professionals in the discovery, definition and execution strategy
of their career niches and professional development.
MDS works with business owners and departments to fully automate and digitize key processes allowing for a simplified, synchronized and turn-key operation.
Overall, the MDS coaching services will help identify, define and employ optimal business productivity and career management techniques for sustainable, long-term success!